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Basic Information
Origin Point: Terra, Sol
Temp Range: 270-340K
Height: 169cm
Diet: Omnivorous, whatever they can get their grubby hands on.

  • Human under standard Asiimov laws.
  • Ubiquitous and relatively hardy.
  • Have natural, "stylish" hair.
  • Watch out for the bald ones though.

Humans are a species of sapient lifeforms hailing from Terra, having evolved over millions of years from primates. Scientifically called Homo Sapiens, their journey into space is well-documented, and their immense curiosity and knack for collaboration has allowed them to eke out a life almost anywhere. While originally housing a majority of their population in the Milky Way, the diaspora of humans into the wider universe means that they have no true majority home.


Humans have a relatively fraught species history, however their romance with the idea of spaceflight and life outside of Terra is still one of the defining parts of their reputation. In the greater scope of human history, events such as the flight of the Vostok I, the launching of the Voyager Golden Record, and the founding of the planetary and subsequently interplanetary government TerraGov and SolGov make up a large part of the public perception of their species. With that legacy comes too the tragedy of the Night of Fire, and the resulting nuclear wasteland. Characterized by a capacity for great destruction and exploration, their common hubris and ability to bond with others provides a good basis for interspecies communication and cooperation.

Since leaving Terra, humans have changed in as many ways as the variety of places they now call home. Advances in genetics and medical technology has led to genemod humans like Felinids and Dwarves, alongside cybernetic modifications. The bar for what counts as "human" is something hotly debated even now, and everyone seems to have their own ideas about it.

Playing a Human

Humans are relatively standard, having no distinct weaknessed, but no inherent benefits outside of numbers. One non-natural benefit they enjoy is the human-centric design of equipment, workplaces, and amenities, though this may be subject to change as popular design conventions shift their focus to a more equal doctrine.

You might...
  • Express natural curiosity, and venture into danger where others see no gain.
  • Feel a need to bond with others and form a social circle.
  • Try and form a connection with the natural world on some level.
Others probably...
  • Think you're basic.
  • Get jealous of your hair (and Asiimov protections).
  • Assume you're basically the same as humans thousands of years ago.

Human names

Due to the fractured nature of the Mothpeople's existence, there are no set naming conventions. The most prevalent name trend in the past few years are names based on the scientific names of lepidopteran species. Another common trend are mononyms consisting of a common object, usually organic or natural in nature (for example, "Fish" or "Leaf").


Due to the dodgy nature of the emergence of Mothpeople, many lack a sense of identity and community. This can push one to sign on with crews, in hopes that they can forge new bonds with others and a new identity for themselves.


  • Moths can fly in low-gravity situations, given there is enough atmospheric pressure for their wings to function.
  • Moths have functional night vision, which can be invaluable for an explorer!