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{{Work In Progress|reason=Lorewriting in progress|markedby=Memed Hams}}
#REDIRECT[[Confederated League of Independent Planets]]
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">
| name      = The Minutemen
| image      = CMM.png
| formalname = The Colonial Minutemen
| capitaltype= Capital
| capitalloc = [[Luna-Town]]
| founddate  = FSC-400
| color      = 3F90DF
| traits    =
* The Antichrist
* probably the minutemen from fallout
|structure=Government|othernames=Colonial Militia|denonyms=Not Specified}}
“Together, we stand tall against our threats!”<br /><span>—&thinsp;
<small>Official motto of the Minutemen</small></span>
The Colonial Minutemen are a group of colonies that have banded together. While the Minutemen was initially formed as something similar to a police force, it has since expanded into something similar to a government.
While at first glance the Minutemen may look a simple military faction, they in reality have a surprising amount of divisions for military and civilian use.
===[[The Biohazard Assessment and Removal Division|Biohazard Assessment and Removal Division (BARD)]]===
A division originally dedicated to the research and removal of Xenofauna. Originating in 422 as the Unknown Threats Division, the UTD researched and fought xenofauna, before rechristening itself the BARD. While their original goal remains a priority, BARD also prioritizes disease control.
===[[The Galactic Optium Labor Division|The Galactic Optimum Labor Division (GOLD)]]===
A division formed during the steint of the UTD, the GOLD is a regulatory body designed to ensure colonial autarky, as well as draw funding for the Minutemen Corps. Almost every planet in Minutemen space has a GOLD Office on it. Considered by many to be a respectable, if not essential part of the Minutemen.
* The Minutemen lack a unified culture, with most citizens deriving such from local customs and history instead. The lack of a unifying culture is a major disadvantage in the face of encroaching soft power from places such as [[Kalixcis]].
* Those serving in the armed forces often have an “aggressive” attitude towards things, favoring a direct and generally uncomplicated approach both in and out of combat. This is one of the few things universal characteristics of a Minuteman.
* While exaggerated and unrealistic pirate costumes are popular or innocuous in most of the known galaxy, they are considered offensive in the founding colonies of the Minutemen, due to an extensive and unpleasant history with pirate attacks in the colonies.
* While their relationship has become strained after the ICW, the Minutemen enjoy a generally positive relationship with Nanotrasen, due to GOLD’s generally laissez-faire attitude towards trade.
** This has resulted in a quite large amount of growth within the Minutemen in the past 100 years, from all the way back when Nanotrasen Electronics establishing stock part manufacturing facilities on CMM colonies to DeForest Medical establishing several research stations in recent additions to Colonial Minutemen space.
** Despite this, GOLD does not back down from any laws that Nanotrasen have broken. In 471, Nanotrasen was fined due to attempted smuggling of xenofauna for ‘research’ purposes.
* Because of the above, the Syndicate have a strange relationship with the Minutemen.
** While some believe that the Minutemen are helping Nanotrasen being the evil megacorporation, others believe that the Minutemen are standing up to ‘big’ NT.
* SolGov is generally neutral to the Minutemen, in traditional Solarian style.
==Colonial Milita, The Milita-Frontiersman War==
* The Colonial Minutemen were officially formed in 400 FS. However, their shared history begins all the way back in 370 FS.
* Around this time a trade was emerging between Kalixcis and other powers as bluespace technology improved signficantly over the past 300 years.
* As such, the [[United Republics of Free Zohil]], in order to gain a edge over the other countries of Kalixcis, started an initiative to colonizing worlds inside their trade routes. In 373, the colony Luna-Town was founded, the future capital of the Minutemen. Most of the founding Minutemen colonies would be founded during this period.
** Seeing an opportunity, pirates rapidly spring up in the region, sealing the region’s fate.
** By 386, Zohil had completely pulled out.
* As time marched on, the trade routes lost much of their value and prestige. Additionally, conflict on Kalixcis forced Zohil to move their focus and power back home. In 385, Zohil began to pull their interests out.
* Around this time, a pirate fleet known as the [[Frontiersmen]] began to take notice of the situation, and planned to take advantage of it.
** The Frontiersmen were once the most feared pirate fleet of the day. Captain Frontiersman (pseudonym) had made a name for themselves by attacking pirates, executing the captain, and keeping the crew alive to expand their fleet. Pirate captains began to join the Frontiersmen out of fear that they would be next.
** Captain Frontiersman was very ambitious, and thought the Zohil colonies could be their next big break.
* The Frontiersmen started to target the colonies by 387.
** The militias, while adequate at staving off small pirate crews, were completely overwhelmed by the massive and organized Frontiersmen pirate fleet.
* In 388, during an particularly intense raid, the militia of Radinska is completely wiped out following a defensive action gone wrong.
* Captain Frontiersman, rather than just ransack the colony, decides to completely seize control of the place.
** The news of the capture spreads makes the fleet more ambitious than ever.
** More and more planets get captured by the Frontiersmen as more colonial militias fall.
* The situation is dire, until 389. The Luna-Town militia are salvaging almost everything they can find desperately. What they found would change the tide.
** A vessel that was seemingly plain scrap was located. When a team was sent to salvage it, a massive cache of old-terran P16s, blue ballistic helmets with white markings, and equipment. The vessel’s markings were long faded away, making the vessel’s origin a mystery. This vessel is later called the UNSV Lichtenstein by the various colonists.
* Later that year, two pirate cruisers are sent to attempt to wipe out and potentially capture the planet.
** Not expecting a real challenge, one of the ships charges in full on.
** The Militia on Luna Town wins a very swift victory, and captures the ship. The Frontiersmen that retreated to the other cruiser in orbit were shot down in a single minute.
** The spread of the news about the victory spreads throughout the Colonies, improving the morale of all the Militas considerably.
* Hoping to still catch the pirates off guard, the Planet of [[Lanchester City]] is taken.
** Lanchester City is best well known for it’s factories, and would be important to the Milita for the next 10 years.
* The next year in 390, the Militia wins many planets and colonies from pirate control.
** The colonies agree on unifying their efforts, so on 390 a alliance was formed between all founding members of the Minutemen, which unified all the planet’s militas into something called “The Colonial Militia”
** The slang term was “Minutemen”, named after the pirate ship that got shot down in a single minute.
* The factories of Lanchester City would put producing replicas of the salvage equipment on very high priority.
* the next 10 years are war fighting and stuff, the usual war stuff like death and shooting and explosions and probably the usual warcrimes
** During this time, the Frontiersmen reorganize into something resembling a more traditional army, at the cost of their pirating efficency. This did not help their inevitable demise
* In 400, ten years later, the Frontiersmen are confronted in their sector of operations, the fleet completely destroyed, and smaller independent pirates are also dealt with.
* The Colonies that comprise the Militia have a meeting discussion the state of the Militia.
** While the alliance has worked for the purposes of fighting the pirates, it was not structured for a Civilian government doing peace things.
** The Colonies form GOLD in order to help with civilian matters, and the Militia is planned to be restructured into the Colonial Minutemen, which was later announced later that year in a historic speech (at least for those in minutemen territory).
While that’s a lot of history, that is barely the founding of the Minutemen, and not even the beginning.
* This era is dominated by GOLD attempting to reconstruct the Colonies after the 10 years of fighting.
** The armed forces of the Minutemen downsizes considerably during this time.
** GOLD would be expanded time and time again during this time period.
** Lasted between 401 to 421, almost 20 years of peace.
==Xenofauna Infestation==
* In 421 a type 8 earthquake shakes Ryunosuke.
** While being sent relief, the Minutemen and the Galaxy at large were introduced to xenofauna.
** While Xenofaunas existence were hinted and even warned 50 years prior, they were largely ignored by colonists and Zohil alike.
** After a attempt to fight the Xenofauna like pirates go wrong, the UTD is formed, and after a years of holding against the Xenofauna the UTD devise weaponry and strageties to counter the Xenofauna.
** The UTD is restructured into BARD shortly afterwards.
* This is a gross oversimplification, a more in depth history can be found in the [[The Biohazard Assessment and Removal Division|main BARD article]].
==Minutemen Today==
Despite many setbacks, the Minutemen still exist in the present day. However, the post-ICW era has brought many challenges to the Minutemen.
* The ICW leaves many colonies by both Nanotrasen and the Syndicate alike abandoned. The inhabitants of these colonies are more than happy to join the Minutemen. This strains the Minutemen’s historically good relationship with Nanotrasen.
* In 498, a terrorist attack shook the faction as Luna-Town was under attack again.
** Not too long after, a terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack, and proudly proclaimed the Frontiersmen were back, and for vengeance too.
** Members took this strongly, and proceeded to scramble all available patrol cruisers into the frontier to search for this group.
* This “New Frontiersmen” appears to be using historical designs for their equipment rather than new, cutting edge equipment. Whenever these are old abandoned caches or new reproductions are unknown, but they appear to be in good condition.
** They wish death on anyone that has helped grown the Colonial Minutemen to their status today, whether it be simply trading or support.
** Because of this, they are hostile to almost everyone.
=Playing a member of this faction=
* todo

Latest revision as of 05:55, 16 July 2024