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Have you ever asked yourself "What the hell does a positronic reliability technician actually do?" Well, just look at the table below and find out!

Picture Role Description Duties(?) Guides
Command Pilot the ship. Coordinate your crew. Deal with communications, and otherwise serve as their leader. Yell at the miner to get back on the ship. Stay glued to the bridge for the rest of the round. Prank call other ships on the sector. Weep when nobody joins your ship. Die to a meteor hitting the bridge of the ship.

For small crews, you're going to end up filling in for a lot of roles yourself, and for larger crews you're going to spend most of your time attempting to coordinate your crew to work together. Do not play if you're new to the game!

Piloting, Coordinating Command, Overmap/Piloting
Supply Mine for ores. Get better gear. Salvage ruins. Complete missions. Die to fauna, watch as your captain undocks the ship and completely forgets you exist. Build light-switch frames, because the mapper shipwright forgot to include lightswitches on every room.

Supply jobs are typically easy to pick up, and are often dangerous, but rewarding.

Mining, Pushing crates, Salvaging Supply
Engineering Run the engine on your ship. Keep the thrusters fueled. Repair the hull when the captain inevitably drives the ship through a meteor storm. End up causing more hull breaches than you fix. Die alone in engineering as the supermatter delaminates.

Engineering jobs typically require decent technical skill, especially on ships with limited engineering equipment.

Atmospherics, Repair, Starting and maintaining the engine Engineering, Construction
Medical Revive the miner for the fifth time in a row. Tell people to turn up their suit sensors. Keep your crew healthy. Create healing chemicals. Blow yourself up while creating said chemicals. Refuse to revive the miner again after they bring you yet another 20 goliath corpses to dissect.

Medical takes moderate skill, but can be challenging to do more healing than harm on ships without a single medical tool.

Surgery, Chemistry, Genetics, Virology Medical, Chemistry, Ghetto Chemistry Surgery
Science Get research points. Build new tools and weapons. Upgrade the machines aboard your ship. Realize you can't print anything you've researched because all you have is a R&D console and an autolathe.

Science job are easy enough, depending on how you decide to get your research points.

Robotics, Research, Dissection, Surveying Research, Robotics, Xenobiology
Security Eat all of the donuts. Try and break up fights. Shoot fauna. Shoot pirates. Shoot the walls. Shoot the prisoners. Shoot unruly crewmembers. Shoot your captain "on accident".

Since PVP is rare in shiptest, you're mostly keeping the wildlife out of the ship, which isn't too hard.

Peacekeeping, Boarding, Managing prisoners, Security
Service Keep your crew happy and fed. Attempt to keep your ship clean. Host parties. Cook extremely elaborate dishes. Get black-out drunk and get arrested for hooliganism. Scream in agony as the miner drags more corpses through the halls of the ship. Be completely ignored.

Technical skill isn't as important for service jobs, but they can be roleplay heavy.

Botany, Bartending, Cooking, Cleaning, Entertaining Service, Food and Drinks
Synthetic Follow your laws. Help fill in for other missing roles, and generally help your crew. Complain about your lack of hands while recharging your lightbulb cell every minute. Be round-removed after the Captain drives through an ion storm.

Following laws, in the case you are given them, takes self control and skill. Otherwise, the required skill depends on the module you take.

Follow your laws Synthetic