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{{Work In Progress|reason=Lorewriting in progress|markedby=Memed Hams}}
<br /><span><small>—&thinsp;skrem upon seeing any alien lifeform vaguely taller than him</small></span>
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">
<div style="display: grid; float: right;">
  | name      = The Syndicate
  | name      = Skrem_7
  | image      = Syndicate Logo.png
  | image      = Autowiki-Nanotrasen - Security Officer.png
  | formalname = The Syndicate Coalition
  | origin    = The Void
  | capitaltype= Headquarters
  | height    = 183cm (6'0")
  | capitalloc =N/A
  | diet      = Coffee and alcohol
  | founddate  = FSC-???
  | color      = 2a52be
  | color      = B22C20
  | temp      = 250-260K
  | traits    =
  | traits    =  
* Largely fragmented and clashing
* Brimmed with malice
* Wide-reaching across cultures and class
* Likes things with tails, horns
* Ever-present disgust for Nanotrasen
* Yearns for sharp teeth
|structure=Coalition|othernames=The Syndicate, Syndies|denonyms=Syndie}}
* Lorema's stupidest soldier
|imagedetail=The Coveted Form}}
[[File:Arby.jpg|thumb|a sangheili boywife]]
“It was one of those rare moments that called individuals across cultures, across fields, across beliefs: all to unite against the Company that had grown so large. Whether its participants were passive or radical, each must ask themselves in the aftermath: what now?”<br /><span>—&thinsp;</span>Excerpt from the Solarian novel, ''Nanotrasen's Rise and Fall'', published FSC-499
== Memento of Duty ==
'''in progress (spontaneously)'''
'''The Syndicate''' is a coalition formed on one core tenet: '''[[Nanotrasen]] must fall'''. However, during the [[Inter-Corporate Wars]], both Nanotrasen and the coalition fought to a catastrophic, bloody stalemate. With each side having exhausted themselves, they agreed to an uneasy ceasefire. In light of the Syndicate's major blow against Nanotrasen’s market capabilities, the coalition itself has nearly, but not quite, separated.
Though each member faction of the Syndicate has different ideas about how they should continue to pursue their ideological goals, all of them believe that Nanotrasen cannot be allowed to ever again grow too big or too powerful. With the ceasefire in place, such efforts have mostly halted, if not stagnated entirely. The methods and investment that each faction puts forward largely depends. It is better to think of each member of the Syndicate as its own entity in the current day, rather than consider them unified, for such an alliance is fleeting at best.
Where the coalition will go now remains to be seen, though each member faction has its own plan for moving forward, whether it involves the Syndicate or not.
= Playing a member of this faction =
*<big>'''<u>You are not violently hostile, or antagonists by default unlike on other servers.</u>'''</big> Not to Inteq, not to the Colonial Minutemen, and, despite latent hostility, not even to Nanotrasen. Due to how costly the Inter-Corporate Wars were for the Syndicate, they want to uphold the ceasefire with Nanotrasen. You are not a pirate faction (the [[Frontiersmen]] are). You should avoid dealings with Nanotrasen vessels and can voice your grievances with the Company, but you must uphold the delicate balance of power - and the server rules regarding antagonism. Please read the Relations section below for the nuances!
*The Syndicate is one of the most diverse factions in terms of specific group association. It is best to roleplay being part of one of the many factions and their respective ideology, showing a dislike towards others with clashing ideologies, while engaging in camaraderie or shoddy alliances with like-minded individuals.
*Your character's job, mentality and skills will vary wildly depending on the group they form a part of. A GEC engineer would not have the same combat training a Hardliner grunt would, nor would a Cybersun executive have the same ideology as an ACLF protestor.
* Syndicate ships are very often used exclusively by one specific branch of the Syndicate. Make sure you know who your character is working for, though do not be discouraged with mixing various factions on the same ship. Such differences can lead to unique and fascinating roleplay opportunities!
The Syndicate is far from a single organized polity - more often than not, the factions that make up the Syndicate will have squabbles of varying scales, with some going as far as to actively sabotage the operations of other members.
== Present Members ==
===The Anti-Corporation Liberation Front===
What initially began as a hunger strike on a Nanotrasen station snowballed into the biggest opposition group against Nanotrasen, '''the Anti-Corporation Liberation Front'''. The ACLF is the founding member of the Syndicate and by far the largest, with conservative estimates of ACLF membership within the hundreds of millions.
* The ACLF is the closest thing the Syndicate have to a political party, being the ideological center of the Syndicate. Motivations and goals of individual members of the ACLF vary wildly, from passing simple anti-trust legislation to the total and complete dissolution of Nanotrasen. Various sub-factions exist within the ACLF, sharing closer ideological beliefs.
* Action taken by ACLF members varies wildly as well; most participate in protests and demonstrations, but some go as far as to actively sabotage Nanotrasen activity. ACLF affiliation and even sympathies are against the law in most Nanotrasen-controlled sectors.
* A Syndicate Operative is most likely to be picked from the large volunteer pool of the ACLF. Irregular warfare is practiced by some especially militant elements of the ACLF, and although rare, the most organized elements of the ACLF provides manpower for conventional actions.
=== '''Loyalists''' ===
The largest of the three, closest to the Syndicate and the modern Gorlex Marauders, the '''Loyalists''' formed what became the 2nd Battlegroup, lead by Jan Speidel, and attempted to "go legit", forming an independent colony of their own. Contrary to popular belief, members of the 2nd Battlegroup are ''not'' part of the ACLF.
=== '''Hardliners''' ===
'''The Hardliners''' believe that the fight is not over yet. Seeing the 2nd Battlegroup abandon their original cause, and not content with joining the Ramzi Clique, they begrudgingly signed on with Cybersun, working under them as mercenaries in exchange for much needed supplies, but as soon as they see an opportunity to break their leash, they'll seize it.
===Cybersun Virtual Solutions===
'''Cybersun Virtual Solutions''', originally a pioneer of in the field of cybernetic implants, is now one of the most respected cybersecurity firms in the market. They have a deep-rooted grudge against a competitor implicated in an attempt to ruin their reputation: NanoTrasen.
* Cybersun Solutions operates coldly, looking to cut expenses and increase profits wherever it can. Although they do not sacrifice the quality of their products (to keep an edge over Nanotrasen), worker conditions in Cybersun offices and facilities are notoriously poor.
* While this would normally put them at odds with the more radical elements of the ACLF and Galactic Engineers Concordat (next section), Cybersun’s advanced equipment and rapid prototype-to-production rollout gives them strong leverage with the ACLF and a strange, uncomfortable relationship with the GEC. They might be the only chance a GEC engineer has to submit a design and have it mass-produced for usage.
* What resulted was a compromise: Cybersun Industries promises better workplace conditions in exchange for continual design improvements from GEC engineers.
* A number of rumors and conspiracies regarding Cybersun circulate commonly: intentionally creating ransomware that targets vulnerabilities they discover, pouring a majority of their research budget into researching occult rituals, using mind control technologies to strongarm negotiations and deals. Evidence to back these rumors has yet to be found.
===The Galactic Engineer’s Concordat===
Formed initially as a unionization effort for engineers, the '''Galactic Engineer’s Concordat''' has evolved into a large political-activist group, advocating for worker-controlled organizations and workplace democracy, making decisions about labor as laborers. The GEC joined the Syndicate to help in repairing the damage caused by the Corporate Wars and to protest against Nanotrasen in a more direct way.
* The GEC splits into two major subfactions: the Moderates, and the Eccentrics.
** Moderates fight for the rights of workers, especially in regards to Nanotrasen stations. They advocate for a similar hierarchy in the workplace to that of NT stations, with a Chief Engineer overseeing projects.
** Eccentrics fight for the freedom to push the limits of what is possible, even if it means safety is ignored. They advocate for workplace anarchy; without the need of a Chief Engineer, only the trust of one's fellow workers.
* Syndicate companies and captains have preferences towards engineers from one of the two sub-factions. Safety-minded Captains prefer Moderates, while risk-takers may gamble with an Eccentric.
* Chief Engineers aboard Concordat-controlled vessels are elected by the crew to enforce labor standards, and are often required to answer to the workers aboard the vessel.
===The Naturalienwissenschaftlicher Studentenverbindungs-Verband===
Translating to '''“Student-Union Association of Naturalistic Sciences”''', '''SUNS''' is a loose coalition of several student unions from prestigious universities, united in the pursuit of knowledge in the natural sciences. After several squabbles regarding Nanotrasen, SUNS has called for a hold on internal conflicts to address a growing threat to scientific progress.
* The SUNS is dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge in the Natural Sciences of Biology, Chemistry and Physics, but have a distaste for cybernetics and biomechanical technology as they are deemed to be unnatural. This aversion has complicated relations with Cybersun Solutions, who the SUNS views with distrust.
* Composed of several small, mildly militaristic student unions, with the most notable being the Terrestische Generalmedizinischer Corps (Engl: Terrestrial General Medicine Corps) and the Aestische Agronomium (Engl: Aestuum Agricultural Association).
** The Terrestrial General Medicine Corps specialize in researching medical applications of newly discovered organisms.
** The Aestuum Agricultural Association focuses on researching the effects of bluespace on plant life and terraforming.
** These two groups in particular harbor a deep-rooted rivalry for a number of arbitrary issues, which ties in closely with the next bulletpoint.
* The SUNS shares a stringent moral ruleset with all other [[The_Most_Serene_Solar_and_Intersolar_Confederation|SolGov]] Student Associations, requiring members to uphold and defend their honor in duels if challenged or slighted. SUNS members are rarely seen without a blade and are well-drilled in the basic moves of academic fencing (which lacks any practical combat application in the modern day).
== Past Members ==
=== Gorlex Marauders ===
=== '''Ramzi Clique''' ===
Lead by Mohammed Ramzi, '''the Ramzi Clique''' was not satisfied with neither Cybersun or the Syndicate, and, in a return to the group's very early roots, turned to theft and piracy.
== Noteworthy Allies ==
=== Donk! Corporation ===
Initially started as a toys and novelties company, '''Donk! Co'''. is a rapidly expanding megacorporation primarily focused on logistics. They are the newest member of the Syndicate, yet are quickly becoming one of the most instrumental groups to its operations.
* Donk takes unconventional approaches to many aspects of their business model, most notably gating shopping with Donk Corporation behind an annual membership fee. This, among other unorthodox practices, has resulted in Donk being able to improve working conditions, employee morale, and overall customer satisfaction without a significant loss in profits.
* Donk Corporation’s expansion was spurred on indirectly by the aftermath of the Corporate Wars, making a fortune by offering delivery, courier, and transportation services in the frontier with their relatively large fleet.
* Donk Corporation is one of the few Syndicate members who works with Nanotrasen on any level. This cooperation is seen as a conflict of interests with many other Syndicate members, making most uncomfortable with working with the company. Despite this, Donk has been cooperative with factions such as the ACLF, giving the Syndicate much needed logistical ability.
=== '''Scarborough Armaments''' ===
===Gat Drones===
Although not explicitly associated with the Syndicate, the '''Gat Drones''' are noteworthy for being the primary suppliers of firearms for Syndicate militants. A specific batch of automated repair drones had a minor flaw in their programming that resulted in a law malfunction, leading to heightened decision-making ability and a hyperfixation on the creation, maintenance of firearms, and tariffs for their service.

* [[User:Skrem_7/PGF]]
The culture of the Syndicate varies depending on which faction one may be a member of.

* The ACLF, being the largest faction, has the largest differences of ideologies within members, with notable contrast between the least and most radical members.
'''completed to some acceptable standard (for now)'''
*The Gorlex Maruders, being former pirates, are highly military in nature, and uphold such structure within their ranks.
* [[The Syndicate]]
* Donk! functions as a for-profit logistics and goods organization, and naturally falls into a corporate establishment. Members of Donk often are
* this page
* Cybersun is similar to Donk in that they follow a corporate hierarchy, with Cybersun operating with a focus on cybernetics product quality, sometimes disregarding worker conditions.
'''on my current hit list (in no particular order)'''
* The GEC works as a workers' movement advocating for better worker conditions and treatment. Members of the GEC are likely working in the frontier as engineers, architects, electricians, and other construction-related jobs.
* zohil
* SUNS, as a students' union, represent [[The Most Serene Solar and Intersolar Confederation|SolGov's]] naturalistic and scientific values, while also inheriting some of the Syndicate's qualities. Members of SUNS consist of fauna researchers,
* solcon
* ngr
* suns
* rachnids
* srm

== Mission Statement ==

* Relations with other factions '''usually fall uneasy''' for the Syndicate, and '''are even at odds with themselves.'''
# To contribute by maddingly scribbling when the spirit overtakes me
** The GEC does not like Cybersun's practices, yet maintain a mutual agreement with Cybersun for their designs.
# To help continue and build upon the foundations that have been lain down by others
**Each of the Gorlex Marauders' splinter groups highly dislike each other.
# To inspire and cultivate delightful, deeper developments among player characters - ones that engage with each other and the setting
** SUNS remain uncomfortable with Cybersun's biomechanical and cybernetic services.
# be gay and problematic
** Donk's dealing with NanoTrasen put them at odds with other Syndicate, but they are a core part of their logistical services.
# kill gamers
* The most obvious example of awkward external relations is NanoTrasen. After a long and blood war with their competitors, '''they are not on friendly terms, but sparking another conflict is not on the table for either'''.
# eat dead people
* [[Inteq Risk Management Group|Inteq Risk Management]] '''holds superficial tension''' with the Syndicate. A mercenary group composed of former Syndicate and NT members, '''Inteq upholds their grudge''' for both groups.
* Thoughts towards the [[Colonial Minutemen]] vary from '''supportive''' to '''troubled'''. This hinges on the Minutemen's relaxed attitude towards trade with NT, and their lawsuit against NT for attempted smuggling of alien fauna.
* In Solarian fashion, the [[The Most Serene Solar and Intersolar Confederation|Solarian Government]] leads a '''neutral perspective''' with the Syndicate.

== Intercepted Transmission ==
<code>The hunger is never-ending.</code><br><br>
<code>Cravings that crawl over the skull, insects tapping legs on cranial bone. The feral frothing - the need to partake.</code><br>
<code>The sarathi were first. It was not enough. Next were the elzuose. It was not enough. Rachnids. Not enough.</code><br>
<code>A greater form. A better form. Something dangerous. Something disturbing. Something delectable.</code><br><br>
<code>The sinew shall stretch sufficiently.</code>

Latest revision as of 00:03, 13 July 2024

— skrem upon seeing any alien lifeform vaguely taller than him

The Coveted Form
Basic Information
Origin Point: The Void
Temp Range: 250-260K
Height: 183cm (6'0")
Diet: Coffee and alcohol

  • Brimmed with malice
  • Likes things with tails, horns
  • Yearns for sharp teeth
  • Lorema's stupidest soldier
a sangheili boywife

Memento of Duty

in progress (spontaneously)

completed to some acceptable standard (for now)

on my current hit list (in no particular order)

  • zohil
  • solcon
  • ngr
  • suns
  • rachnids
  • srm

Mission Statement

  1. To contribute by maddingly scribbling when the spirit overtakes me
  2. To help continue and build upon the foundations that have been lain down by others
  3. To inspire and cultivate delightful, deeper developments among player characters - ones that engage with each other and the setting
  4. be gay and problematic
  5. kill gamers
  6. eat dead people

Intercepted Transmission

The hunger is never-ending.

Cravings that crawl over the skull, insects tapping legs on cranial bone. The feral frothing - the need to partake.
The sarathi were first. It was not enough. Next were the elzuose. It was not enough. Rachnids. Not enough.
A greater form. A better form. Something dangerous. Something disturbing. Something delectable.

The sinew shall stretch sufficiently.