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rye. rye. cinder block

The Confederated League
Basic Information
Official Name: The Confederated League of Independent Planets
Other Names: Colonial Militia
Capital: Luna-Town
Structure: Government
Denonym(s): Minutemen, Blueberries
Founded: FS 425

  • A very decentralized Alliance of planets
  • The biggest government in the frontier, though not the only one
  • Barely on the radar of bigger factions, like SolGov or the PGF

“Together, we stand tall against our threats!”
—  Official motto of the League

The Confederated League of Independent Planets (shortened to CLIP, and originally the Colonial Militia) is a group of colonies, originating from the United Republics of Free Zohil, that have banded together to form a new faction. While CLIP was initially formed as a ragtag planetary defense force, it has since been remolded into a somewhat coherent government.


The League is a mildly militarized, decentralized government. It divides its primary responsibilities into divisions.

The CLIP Minutemen (C-MM)

The military arm of the Confederated League of Independent Planets is the CLIP Minutemen. Sometimes nicknamed "Blueberries" for their steel blue uniforms and helmets, the C-MM is in charge of all defensive and offensive military strategy within CLIP.

Biohazard Assessment and Removal Division (C-MM-BARD)

A division originally dedicated to the research and removal of Xenofauna. Originating in 422 as the Unknown Threats Division, the UTD researched and fought xenofauna, before rechristening itself as the BARD. While their original goal remains a priority, BARD also prioritizes disease control, and other concerns that might pose a threat to public health.

The Galactic Optimum Labor Division (CLIP-GOLD)

A division formed during the stint of the UTD, the Galactic Optimum Labor Division is a regulatory body designed to ensure colonial autarky, as well as draw funding for the CLIP's governmental branches. Almost every planet in CLIP space has a GOLD Office on it. Considered by many within the league to be a respectable, if not essential part of the Minutemen.


Legal Oversight and Regulation Division (CLIP-LORD)

LORD is the civil and legal regulatory organ of the Confederated League. Their line of work ranges from covering rights and responsibilities of citizens to elaboration of conventions and settling land or ownership disputes between colonies.

Legislative Agricultural Notation Division (CLIP-LAND)

After the conflict with the Frontiersmen pirate fleet, a commission was formed in order to coordinate colony development, especially in the agricultural sense. Eventually, this commission formed into LAND, which branched out its work into colony infrastructure and overall social welfare.

Materiel Engineering and Leasing Division (CLIP-MELD)

The origin of MELD lies within the factories of Lanchester City, which manufactured many of the military hardware in use by the C-today. They are often found assisting other divisions with engineering aid.

Drug Evaluation and Enhancement Division (CLIP-DEED)

DEED's focus lies on the research, development and creation of medicine, though shares common ground with the healthcare sector in the Confederated League.


  • The Minutemen lack a unified culture, with most citizens deriving such from local customs and history instead. The lack of a unifying culture is a major disadvantage in the face of encroaching soft power from places such as Kalixcis.
  • That is not to say there is no culture, it is however so varied it is not possible to list it all here. See the Playing a member of this faction section to see each planet's unique culture.
  • Despite this lack of unified culture, a few cultural touchstones have transcended this barrier and have spread across the league:
    • RZNET: An early Zohil-era communications network intended for rapid communication between military units stationed on the frontier. Following the URFZ's retreat, access opened to the public due to the impending danger. While the intended purpose was to rapidly communicate defensive plans and updates to civilian, it developed it's own culture and united the early Colonial Militia. Several posts have gained notoriety due their bizzareness happening during historical moments, including the infamous 'jumpdrive cables' post. It was shut down in FS 433 after it's obvious flaws came to light that it had poor tools for moderation and the newly formed League would have been responsible for moderating it, and also citing that recently developed planetary internet's outclassed it. Many today disagreed with this decision as it meant that CLIP would be left without an Intranet until decades later, also regarded as a reason for CLIP's poor cultural meshing.
    • Time Marches Ever On: A show based on the novel "'Time Waits For Nobody'" involving a fantasy setting based on Zale-Era Kalixcis. While starting off tricking the believer to believe it's an adventure show, it kills off what it lures the viewer to believe is the main character by the end of the first episode, and reveals itself to be a political/military drama with a constant focus on the concept of time, with characters aging as time goes on. Notably, the show throws a twist where the novel ends with the narrator being implied to freeze to death in a cliffhanger ending. Instead, the show continues after the cliffhanger, showing that the narrator in fact discovers how to use a plant's energy to create a fire by accidentally spilling a potion on it, surviving and later inventing a laser musket to take on the people who betrayed them. The advancing of time with technology rather than tech staying the same has come to be one of the series's most iconic traits.
    • Sweet New Life: A novel based on the founder of Ryunosuke's own experiences coming out of retirement after decades to visit the capital, which has transformed into an alien urban landscape unlike what he remembers. It combines a love for life along with humor to create a surprisingly touching story filled with historical facts, criticisms of modern life, but also agreeing that life now is better than back then. A famous remark was that seeing people living so comfortably made him feel as if his life was worth something.
    • Zeir 'ar Shar!: A comic that starts off as a comedy on the first colonization attempts with the protagonist being being a extremely patrotic Zohil at first, usually suffering in comedic ways, before the story continues and pivots to something more akin to her finding found family, and realizing that there is more to life than serving one's country. The story ends with the protagonist looking back at all she has helped to build, before an out-of-place spacer with EVA gear on remarks about how the planet is so cold and that nobody would live here, a nod to the story's comedic tone early one. Those who consider the protagist's behavior 'cute' early on usually dislike the shift in tone, and often do not finish reading the entire comic.
    • Nefi Mifime: An animated show where a Kepori migrant from the Southern Teceti Combine migrates to Lanchester due to their Mother's business and has to adjust to life there. I'm sorry there isn't anything clever about this, it's generic a slice of life and it's also really popular for some reason. One might either be bewildered that it's popular, consumes it extremely casually and gets suprised when someone talks about it, or be a super fan of it and obsess over it. If one in CLIP doesn't know about it, they definitely know about the fighting over if it's "good' or a "Junk Food Show".
  • While these are not the only cultural touchstones in CLIP, these are however the few that have crossed the boundaries of each member, and are popular everywhere in CLIP short of recently joined planets.
  • While exaggerated and unrealistic pirate costumes are popular or innocuous in most of the known galaxy, they are considered offensive in the founding colonies of the Minutemen, due to an extensive and unpleasant history with pirate attacks in the colonies.
  • It is not uncommon to see some armed citizens or Minutemen simply blast those wearing Frontiermsen or Ramzi uniforms on sight with no warning.


  • While their relationship has become strained after the ICW, the Minutemen enjoy a generally positive relationship with Nanotrasen, due to GOLD’s generally laissez-faire attitude towards trade.
    • This has resulted in a quite large amount of growth within the Minutemen in the past 100 years, from all the way back when Nanotrasen Electronics establishing stock part manufacturing facilities on CMM colonies to DeForest Medical establishing several research stations in recent additions to CLIP Minutemen space.
    • Despite this, GOLD does not back down from any laws that Nanotrasen have broken. In 471, Nanotrasen was fined due to attempted smuggling of xenofauna for ‘research’ purposes.
  • Because of the above, the Syndicate have a varying relationship with the Minutemen.
    • While some believe that the Minutemen are helping Nanotrasen being the evil megacorporation, others believe that the Minutemen are standing up to ‘big’ NT.
  • SolGov is neutral to the Minutemen, in traditional Solarian style.


While CLIP was officially formed in FS-425, their shared history goes back centuries.

The Second Kalixcian Space Race

  • FS -98
    • The PGF (Pan-Gezenan Federation) places the first Kalixcian into space. The President of the Federation self-declares the PGF as the winner of the Second Kalixcian Space Race.
  • FS -73
    • The URFZ (United Republics of Free Zohil) puts the first Kalixcian on a Kalixcian moon, Toitek. Following this breakthrough, the Prime Minister of the Republic, declared that Zohil was the true winner of the space race.
  • FS 10
    • The space race continued, up until when Bezuts was so well explored that the loss of momentum instead caused tensions between both powers. This is widely regarded as the precursor to the Bezuts Systemary War.
  • FS 35-38
    • Bezuts Systemary War. PGF Victory.
    • Despite the Republic's crippled military due to their the Bezuts Systemary War, it still had a massive advantage in external affairs: their very good relationship with Riso-Teceti
    • Following the war effort by the URFZ, their space agency is put into developing the first bluespace drive to finally meet Tecetians in person - which not only beats the PGF by a landslide, but also extends the advantage the URFZ has over the PGF.
    • As bluespace technology was developed, the URFZ would soon gain the advantage in trading, as they were generally on good terms with Riso-Teceti.
  • FS 150
    • A colonization frenzy had overtaken every nation in the Kalixcis system, and while the PGF had more mass to show with their massive advances in colonization and military standing, the URFZ's flourishing economy and resource production was more valuable in this regard.
    • The Federation's reputation had been improving, as their projection of power was easier to see than the URFZ's advantage, and many Zohilians felt as if their government was being 'lazy' in colonizing. While the URFZ was putting in effort into colonizing, the government was in reality waiting for the right moment, and the right moment came in FS-250

Operation NanoColonies

  • FS 250
  • FS 280
    • Private investors greenlight a venture with Solarian investors to create Nanotrasen.
    • Trouble quickly found the newly formed Telecommunications Firm, however, as Etherbor Industries quickly made it virtually impossible to do business within PGF territory, severely limiting their buisness prospects.
    • Nanotrasen Investors turned to the Zohil Government for help, and an agreement was reached which encompassed the URFZ's plans for not only a massive show of power, but also a profitable one as well, called Operation NanoColonies.
    • The improvements in bluespace techs meant that a region of space previously ignored and rich in phoron and close to the shoal called the Frontier was expected to be the colonization target. While the PGF was busy drawing up plans, the URFZ was already at work.
    • As apart of Operation NanoColonies, Zohil would work together with Riso-Teceti to rapidly colonize the frontier by a quick but efficent deployment of Teceti's Terraforming corporations, then a colonization team would be sent, afterwards Nanotrasen contractors would be sent to build Communications Infastructure along with moving their headquarters there once work was finished.
  • FS 291
    • The plan had succeeded far beyond anyone's expectations. Not only were such a massive amount of worlds colonized in such a short amount of time, but Nanotrasen had invented the cutting-edge stock part system during the project, which not only made them extremely more efficent, but made the planet they were given to headquarters in extremely prosperous, and made the investors rich, along with absolutely humiliating the PGF right in front of the Solarians who they so recently contacted.
    • This region of space would be called the Zohil NanoColonies territory, later renamed Nanotrasen Core Worlds.
    • Due to Nanotrasen's extreme success, Nanotrasen would purchase colonies surrounding Zohil's core colony for private use.
  • FS 300-350
    • The PGF was starting to colonize the frontier at a reasonable speed, yet Zohil was still extremely far ahead, and has started colonizing the "Zohil Outer Frontier".
    • The same Operation NanoColonies strategy was used, though progress was slower due to low prioritization.
    • SolCon's influence over Nanotrasen pressured Nanotrasen to avoid this wave of colonization, though it only managed to slow down the process, not stop it.
    • Luna-Town was chosen as a base of operations, and the previously colonized Ryunosuke was integrated quickly.
    • The Zohil Outer Frontier region does very well for itself, not only being well developed, but also being close to the now mega-corporation Nanotrasen.

Explorat-Militia War

  • FS 365
    • Zohil was now awash with political instability. Accusations of corruption and incompetency along with radically different factions with different ideas on how the government would be run, along with a galactic recession, would lie the seeds for the Zohil revolution and civil war.
    • The URFZ would slowly retreat the military stationed at the Zohil Outer Frontier, leaving the colonies within undefended.
  • FS 375
    • By the time of the projected "temporarily military withdraw" date, morale was at an all-time low, to the point that Zohil vessels and personnel started to desert to stay with the colonies, refusing to head into the Republic's civil war. The deserters would later self-title themselves as the Militia First Fleet.
    • As the dust settled and it became clear that the Zohil Explorat was now in control, the Explorat's intent to take back the colonies did not go unnoticed.
  • FS-386
    • The Explorat had completely consolidated control, defeated all opposition, and at last, its Naval Forces returned to reclaim the Frontier colonies.
    • While the First Fleet had retrieved arms from the deserting forces, it was determined that resisting an invasion from the Explorat would require a more extensive arming and a conscription of citizens - especially since Nanotrasen had refused to support colonial military efforts. The lack of adequate funding for the colonies made it difficult to acquire arms from established manufacturers, prompting the Fleet to obtain and reverse engineer the recently colonized Illestren's arms, while also focusing on cheap, high-power weapons in order to deal with Zohil's thicker armor, most famously the SKM rifle. Arms of this era were produced in such numbers that they are still circulated on the black market.
    • Aid was requested from the PGF, but not only was the Federation busy with putting down their own rebellion, the First Fleet was vocally against this. Therefore, the PGF only found it appropriate to send advisors for training purposes.
  • Placeholder text! Yes, we're skipping over the entire Explorat-CLIP war. Sorry.
  • FS-395
    • The Zohil Explorat, defeated, removes its capital from Kalixcis and takes an isolationist policy on the rest of the galaxy.
  • FS-400
    • The first fleet and local colonial forces agreed on unifying, creating an alliance named the Colonial Militia. All members of the Colonial Militia would later be the founding members of the Colonial League.

The Frontiersman War

  • FS-405
    • Pirates, taking advantage of the now-weakened stance of these colonies, rapidly sprung up in the region, and had begun conducting extensive raids on colonies, notably the Old Frontiersmen.
      • The Frontiersmen had made a name for themselves by a particularly brutal strategy of attacking other pirates, executing the leadership, and keeping the crew alive to expand their fleet. The sheer amount of manpower available to the fleet had begun intimidating pirate captains began to join the Frontiersmen.
      • The militias, while adequate at staving off small pirate crews, were completely overwhelmed by the massive and mostly-organized Frontiersmen pirate fleet.
  • FS-408
    • During a particularly intense raid, the militia of Radinska is wiped out following a coordinated pirate flank on the urban areas of the colony.
    • Captain Rawkkriiiehkhaka, rather than ransacking the colony, decides to seize control.
  • FS-409
    • Following a streak of defeats and losses for the colonies, the Luna-Town militia, desperate and severely lacking in supplies, had struck gold while looking for salvage to employ in the defensive effort.
      • A vessel that was seemingly plain scrap was located, and within it a large cache of equipment, including multiple, extremely-old yet intact models of P16s, blue ballistic helmets with white markings, and miscellaneous materiel and training documents were encountered by the team. The vessel’s markings had long faded away, making the vessel’s origin a mystery, but it was later called the UNSV Lichtenstein by various colonists.
    • Later that year, two Frontiersmen cruisers are sent to attempt to wipe out and potentially capture the planet.
      • Due to the various victories achieved by the fleet previously and the poor equipment of previously encountered Colonial Militia, the cruisers attempts a confident lighting attack towards the colony.
      • The popular Battle of Luna-Town lasted about 3 hours, from the landing of the vessel to the retreat of the second ship. Following the cruiser's landing and an interrupted march into Luna-Town, an urban ambush by Militia forces catch the pirate line off-guard. Usage of the equipment found on the UNSV Lichtenstein created a massive advantage for the defending forces.
      • After the Militia on Luna-Town wins a decisive victory and seizes the landed pirate ship, CLIP's accounts of the battle claims that the Frontiersmen that were evacuated to the other cruiser in orbit were shot down in, roughly, a minute. News of this victory spread far and wide throughout the colonies, granting some hope to the besieged. Hoping to still catch the pirates off guard, the Planet of Lanchester City is retaken by colonial forces.
      • The slang term “Minutemen” was coined after the highly-inspiring story of the pirate ship that got shot down in a single minute, and not after militias ready at a minute's notice.
  • FS-412
    • After replicating and distributing the newly found equipment, the Luna-Town Militia becomes a major player in the war, removing many planets and colonies from control of the Frontiersmen fleet.
  • the next 13 years are misc war fighting and stuff, the usual war stuff like death and shooting and explosions and probably the usual warcrimes
  • FS-425:
    • The final remainders of the Frontiersmen are confronted in their sector of operations. By this time, the fleet had been driven to exhaustion via an extensive siege, and remaining forces had begun deserting the fleet. A rather anti-climatic final attack landed the final nail in the coffin for the Frontiersmen.
    • After roughly 22 years of war, the Colonies that comprised the Militia had a meeting, discussing plans for advancing forward.
    • While the alliance had worked for the purposes of fighting the pirates, it had left behind a large trail of destruction and put aside the day-to-day life of the colonies. An unanimous consensus for a reform was present. As a result, the Colonial Militia is planned to be restructured into the Confederated League of Independent Planets, later announced later that year in a very historic speech for the C-MM.
    • This era is dominated by the newly-formed GOLD, LAND, and LORD, attempting to rebuild the colonies.
      • Following a demilitarization effort, the armed forces of the Minutemen downsize considerably during this time.
      • Many of the civilian divisions, especially GOLD, were expanded upon in the next 20 years.

Xenofauna Infestation

  • In FS-444, a type 8 earthquake shakes Ryunosuke.
    • While being sent relief, the Minutemen and the Galaxy at large were introduced to xenofauna.
    • While Xenofaunas existence were hinted and even warned 50 years prior, they were largely ignored by colonists and Zohil alike.
    • After a attempt to fight the Xenofauna like pirates go wrong, the UTD is formed, and after a years of holding against the Xenofauna the UTD devise weaponry and strategies to counter the Xenofauna.
    • The UTD is restructured into BARD shortly afterwards.
  • This is a gross oversimplification, a more in depth history can be found in the main BARD article.

Minutemen Today

Despite many setbacks, the Minutemen still exist in the present day. However, the post-ICW era has brought many challenges to the Minutemen.

  • The ICW leaves many colonies by both Nanotrasen and the Syndicate alike abandoned, and the inhabitants of these colonies are more than happy to join the Minutemen. This strains the Minutemen’s historically good relationship with Nanotrasen.
  • In FS-498, a terrorist attack shook the faction, as a terrorist attack to Luna-Town was extensively reported on.
    • Not too long after, a terrorist group claimed responsibility for the attack, and proclaimed the Frontiersmen were back.
  • This “New Frontiersmen” appears to be using dated, ineffective designs for their equipment rather than new, cutting edge equipment that their older counterpart. Whenever these are old abandoned caches or new reproductions is unknown. They have sworn death and revenge on the League, and prove a stopgap in CLIP operations.

Playing a member of this faction

  • Due to the extremely decentralized nature of CLIP, not one citizen or Minutemen acts similar. Enlisting the CMM is often a common way of meeting others in the CLIP alliance.
  • It is recommended you make a character from one of the following places:
    • Luna-town, Lanchester City (Both are moons of a gas giant named Maxin)
    • Serene
    • Ryunosuke
    • Star City
    • Clover
    • ...Or headcanon your own CLIP planet! We love headcanons, and there's plenty of space to make your own if you so wish. Thus you can make your own for your blorbo's lore if it isn't too out of place tonally or lorewise (eg. CLIP planet that is just space (country) but under a different name, planet that supposedly bigger than the capitol planet or lanchester).
  • If you're part of the Minutemen, don't get rid of your uniform. You may face disciplinary action otherwise.

Others, despite not being a uniform culture, probably...

  • Think you're a nuisance to their faction's operations in the frontier.
  • Argue you're either 'keeping the frontier free' or 'making the frontier less free'.
  • Don't even know that you exist, if they are from one of the core planets and aren't deeply involved with politics.