Li Tieguai-class Rescue Ship

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Basic Information
Short Name: Li Tieguai-class
Manufacturer: Unknown
Faction: Unspecified (Prefix: CSSV)
Crew Size: 8
Size: Medium
Tags: Medical
Buyable: Yes


A small, nimble, and exceptionally well-built medical response vessel, the Li Tieguai is a recent addition to Cybersun’s fleet, forming a critical component of their Frontier stabilization program. Li Tieguais come equipped with high-end medical equipment, including a selection of Cybersun augments and prosthetics, as well as weaponry and armor sufficient to protect its personnel in the often-dangerous Frontier sectors, so that they can offer premium healthcare (at premium prices) in even the most dangerous of scenarios.

Preview Name Officer Slots
Captain No 1
Medical Director Yes 1
Trauma Team Technician No 3
Cybersun Medical Intern No 3

"Named after a god of medicine known for his generosity, the Li Tieguai is designed to be able to quickly respond to medical emergencies. The hull's design is loosely derived from the Libertatia-class and follows similar design principles, making it one of the more lightweight and nimble vessels available."

"Designers of the Li Tieguai-class thoroughly analyzed the Box-class vessel and its shortcomings, namely the near total lack of defense weapons, making voyages into dangerous regions risky at best. The Li Tieguai does not skimp out on armaments, with the standard model coming equipped with quality self-defense weaponry and less-than-lethal ammunition. This, along with an advanced set of medical equipment, makes the vessel popular for use in high-risk scenarios."
— Excerpt from Ashwalker's Guide to The Galaxy . (F.S. 502)


The Li Tieguai-class is intended as a ship for those inclined towards medical roles. It shares similarities with the Box-class in nature, with both vessels being highly specialized towards rendering medical aid to those who need it. It has a highly capable infirmary, ample supplies, with notable deficiencies in mining capabilities, with the vessel lacking even an ORM board for use. However, unlike the Box-class, the Li Tieguai has a notable edge: an armory, with real guns and ammunition.

Things of note:

  • Full surgery setup, including a defibrillator and spare blood bags.
  • Two lifeform stasis units, or "stasis beds", which can freeze the bodily functions of a patient entirely (or stop the decay of a cadaver).
  • An emergency holopad in the main treatment center, which comes with a Doctor program capable of efficiently rendering medical aid should there be a medical emergency.
  • Plenty of equipment for trauma team technicians to use in the lockers, including medical Heads-Up Display sunglasses, as well as armor.
  • Four 10mm Stechkin pistols, a syringe gun, a bottle of sodium thiopental, and plenty ammunition to use.
  • A whole Nanomed Plus worth of supplies, along with one of each medkit type in one of the lockers.
  • Spare cybernetic body parts and organs to use on critically injured patients.


The roles that can be selected aboard the Box-class are as follows:

Icon Name Type Slots
Captain Captain 1
Medical Director First Officer 1
Trauma Team Technician Paramedic 3
Cybersun Medical Intern Assistant 3

How Should I Pilot This?

The crew of the Li Tieguai-class are best equipped for rendering medical aid to those who need it, whether it's healing your own crew after scuffles or rushing the battered crew of another vessel onto yours. The holopad on the bridge can be used to contact other ships directly; use this to inform people that you are willing to give help wherever it's needed. Keep in mind that your vessel is a prime target for pirates, so be careful with who you decide to meet with; your hardsuits are modestly armored and you are equipped with less-than-lethal weapons if it is needed.